Monday, July 2, 2012

The Last Day

This week has gone by so fast!  I am sitting here, looking through all the photos and posting the photos from yesterday, putting off doing my laundry or unpacking and dreading figuring out what is for dinner tonight!

I had such a great time - each one of these girls is beautiful, funny, sweet, and wonderful.  It was a treat to be able to spend time with them - I hope I get to do it again!

Ok, catching up - Sunday

I had to wake the girls up at 5:45 to finish packing, clean up their rooms and get everything downstairs by 6:30 for breakfast.  Alexis and Calise were allowed 20 extra minutes to sleep in because they were completely ready the night before - way to go girls!  Alex...not so much!

After breakfast, we took our last jaunt to the CC for the final day of play.  Because of Calise's back injury - we were unsure if she was going to be able to play or not.  Because of Madi's ankle injury, we were unsure if she would be able to play.  Because Cassie can't breathe, we were unsure about her playing as well.  If you do the math, you will see that leaves us with 5 healthy (well - semi-healthy) girls for our last 2 matches.  So Trazi came up with the bright idea to have Karna Small from the 14's and the rest of the 12's team suit up and sit on the bench with us. 

All three of our girls did play but it was awesome to have the energy from the younger girls cheering us on!  We lost our first match in 3 games, but came back and won our second match - a great way to end the week!

We had a bit of drama when Calise was pulled from our first game because the doctors felt she shouldn't play, but after further discussion, they decided that one more match wouldn't hurt, so we got her back and thank goodness...she was on fire! 

After the tournament, we took some super cute photos (see Festival Day 6) and Katie, Alexis, Alex, Calise, Siena, and Hailey went home with their parents.  Sigh.  Hard to let them go!  Cassie, Madi, Trazi and I shopped for a bit, watched Katie's team play for a while, and then went to Subway for lunch.  Our bus left promotly at 1:30 and we were on our way home.  Typical hijinks ensued on the bus - that is always fun and funny to see.  We watched the movie Milo and Otis and I thought Ralph, Como, Garrett, and Trazi were going to pass out when they showed the kittens and puppies being born - hysterical!

We arrived home nice and early - about 7:30 - and Karna's dad brought pizza for everyone who had been on the bus.  So nice.  I went home, hugged my hubby and my son, cuddled by dog and fell into bed for a very good night's sleep.

Festival is over - I am kind of sad.  We had so much fun.  The girls got along great, played amazing, and really bonded as a team.  We ended up at #38 out of 95 teams - not too shabby for a 3's team plagued by illness and injury!

I will plan a team bbq/swim for after Trazi returns from coaching on July 17.  I am looking at Saturday, July 21, or Monday, July 23 - how does that look for everybody?

Until then, keep safe and rest up!

Love you,

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Saturday - Fun Day!

So, we woke up at 10, ate breakfast, got cleaned up and headed over to the CC to cheer on our sister team and others teams who were playing today.  Trazi took Madi to have her ankle checked and Calise to have her back checked and the other 6 girls and I went dancing with statues in the park.  (see photos)

 Trazi came back with some bad news...Calise has been having back pain and recently her leg and foot have been tingling and numb.  The Dr. at the CC was concerned that she might have a stress fracture in one of her vertebrae!  Of course, Calise was determined to play, no matter what, but Trazi said not until she was cleared.  Maria (her mom) came and picked her up and took her for an xray, which was inclusive.  There was no clear break, but she really needs an MRI to be sure nothing is seriously wrong.  Calise is our team member who played on a broken foot for 4 weeks, so she convinced the Dr. to clear her to play.  We will have to watch her closely to be sure her pain is not increasing, but we all all hopeful!

I ordered the girls pizza this afternoon and they played games with our 12s team - there was a lot of giggling going on!  The girls wanted to see a movie.  Let's be clear:  I recommended Brave, but was over-ruled, so we sat through Rock of Ages.  ummm....can you say awkward? Slightly inappropriate for our sweet girls, but the music was GREAT and there were some really funny parts.  Still think we should have seen Brave!

The girls are now eating dinner, then they have to pack and get ready for a DANCE PARTY!  Oh Yeah!  They are all getting "gussied up" even though it will be all girls there...

I am uploading more photos so check them out!

We play tomorrow at 8am and 9:15, then ref at 10:30 - UPPER LEVEL, Court 4.  Hope to see you there!

Day 4 - No Internet Service!

I'm sorry I did not update yesterday - there was no internet service last night, so I couldn't upload photos or blog, so I will try to catch you all up today.

Yesterday was another great day.  The girls lay around in the morning and then went to play.  We won our first match, lost the second and won the third.  Madi was unable to play because of her ankle and Trazi made Cassie sit out one game, otherwise the rest of the girls were amazing - some of the best volleyball I have ever seen them play!

Last night, they decided to have a slumber party in Cassie and Alex's room and dragged in mattresses and all snuggled up like kittens.  Those photos will be on the Festival Day 5 page.

The girls (unbeknownst to me, honest, Trazi!) also snuck in to Trazi's room and did some am hoping to get photos from the girls.  Apparently they tied yard around every available surface, wrapped anything loose in saran wrap (including the toilet...), and put cups of water all ver the floor so he couldn't even walk in his room.  All this was discovered after midnight, so I am sure he had a good time trying to clean up before he could go to bed!

The best part of the day were the pedi-cab rides to and from the CC.  The music was Justin Beiber and the girls just sang along and laughed- it was a lot of fun!

We are off Saturday and the ideas have been flowing about what we are going to do - I wil post when the girls decide!

More later!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Wow...What a Day!

Hello!  It's Wendy Again.

First of all, if you read Cassie's earlier post, let me reiterate - she is ok - an acute asthma attack, which is new for her - more on that later.

Today was an eventful day, to say the least! We started out with a rude overhead announcement waking us all up too early, but then most of us went back to sleep. At 9:30 a very wide awake Siena and Madi went with me to "help" wake their teammates up - they did this by jumping into bed with each girl and giving them good morning hugs - wish I had been awake enough to have my camera handy - super cute!  Calise was the best - sat up, then fell over with a huge "unnhhh".  Very funny!  We went on to enjoy delicious bagels, cream cheese and chocolate milk provided by Carla Myers.  Then the girls all hung out together in Cassie and Alex's room playing cards and chatting.  For lunch we walked over to the Corner Bakery and had a fun lunch where my darling, beloved girls gave me the cutest sweatshirt that says" SVVC Team Mom" on it that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE so much and cried over and want to turn the AC in my room down so it is freezing and I can wear it! and then off to the CC we went.

The girls played the #8 ranked team first and...won their first game!  It was amazing, and awesome and astounding!  They ended up losing the next 2 games in very close matches.  That's When Cassie came to me and said she couldn't breathe.  A stranger offered her a puff from her inhaler and Cassie took it - my first clue that she was in trouble.  They went right into their next match, and again, played so well, but ended up losing - such a bummer - they had worked so hard!  Throughout this last match, I watched Cassie struggle more and more to breathe.  He face was pure white and she had a look that said, "I'm gonna do this or die trying.".  When the match was over, I took her to the trainers to have her evaluated.  That's when she revealed that she was having chest pains - rated them a 7-8 out of 10 in pain.  OK, now I think that is a pretty important symptom and so did they.  Her favorite Trainer, Senecca, monitored her breathing and respiration for a while and decided she should be seen by the doctors down stairs just to be safe.

Down we went, while all this was going on, Cassie took the opportunity to tell her about her teams FABULOUS coach whom they thought she would really like...

The 2 doctors on call at the CC remembered me from last year - pretty sad that I spent that much time there!  They did a thorough evaluation and decided that she needed to go to the ER and said they were calling the paramedics - this is when my darling daughter said, "(gasp) Do I have to go right now?  (wheeze) Can I wait (gasp) until after my last (wheeze) match?".Of course they vetoed that so 911 it was.  Cassie thought the paramedics were cute but they still wanted her to go to the hospital RIGHT NOW so off we went.  I had a 2 minute melt down and then got myself together.

After 4 hours, the doctor ruled out a heart attack, a blood clot in her lungs and an anaphalactic reaction - I really didn't like having those options on the table, let me tell you.  She said Cassie was having an acute asthma attact - (I really didn't think it was very cute at all but nevermind me...) The chest pain was a reaction to the respiratory distress. The doctor cleared her to play tomorrow and sent us home with prescriptions for steroids (boy will she play well tomorrow!) and an inhaler.

The wonderful Marie and Keith Thompson picked us up from the hospital at 10:30, took us to an all night pharmace and then back to the dorms where our equally wonderful Coach Trazi was waiting with 2 plates of pasta - dinner finally! Becky Carey did the girls' laundry, too.  I love this club!
We found out that...get this...We won our last match in 2 games!!! What?  I am telling you, these girls are amazing and so determined, and so talented!  Sweet Madi rolled her ankle halfway through the second game and was out for the rest of the game.  Katie, our libero, jumped in as a middle blocker and those 6 girls brought it home!  Alexis, Hailey, Calise, Katie, Siena, and Alex ...WOW...just...Wow!

So, I came home with one injured girl to another one.  Madi's ankle is slightly swollen and definitely bruised but she is walking on it now.  Nurse Trazi worked on it tonight and wrapped her up for the night.  They both are fairly confident that, with a good tape job, she should be able to play tomorrow.  I am doling out Advil like a drug dealer - I need to buy stock in that company!

But wait, there's more!  It is 12:33 am and I hear some goings-on next door.  Of course I must investigate - I find Siena with a pretty significant bloody nose.  Ok, this night is not going to end, is it?  We ended up having her put a tampon up her nose, which of course she found hilarious, and I am hoping the bleeding stops soon so she can get some sleep.

Here's the final word from tonight:  these girls are wonderful, amazing, adorable.  I love them!  they get along so well and are so bonded as a team - that is what Festival is really about.  They look out for each other, love to be together, and really support and encourage each other.  You should be proud of your girls, I sure am!

Ok, I am shutting this computer off and going to bed - praying for a peaceful night and that we got all the drama over with today!

Check out today's photos - more to come tomorrow.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cassie's Hospital Trip

Hey y'all! It's Cassie here! First of all- no cell service in the hospital, in case you were wondering.... My mom and I keep going all lion king on our phones searching for bars and such. For those of you just jumping in on the story, last night I began to have chest pains and they came back this morning. I was having trouble with breathing and I just couldn't get a full breath in. My mom thought that it might just be the Arizona air so we decided to go ahead and play and everything. After playing a great game, I started wheezing and took a puff of inhaler and played the second. My mom decided to take me to the trainers who asked a lot of questions, then I was taken downstairs to the doctors, who asked a lot of the same questions. They recommended that we call the paramedics and have them take me in saying that they didn't think anything serious was going on but that they just wanted to make sure it wasn't a problem with my heart or a blood lot in my lung. So the firefighters came, very nice, asked the same questions, and there was a lot of them as before. They decided I wasn't high enough risk to transport me in a ambulance but that I definitely needed to go to the ER, so we rented a taxi and we are now currently at St. Joseph's hospital, Arizona. Anyways, I was able together right in, they took an EKG so I had a bunch of stickers and cords attached to me. Don't worry, my mom took pictures, so you will see those as soon as we get back I'm sure. Then they gave me respiratory treatments and they had me breath in "medical air". Original name right? So that seemed to help a little but I still continue to have some problems breathing and chest pains. Then about an hour later they gave me a chest x-ray so we are awaiting the results from that. So yup! We are currently watching a Mexican soap opera- it's pretty intense because the brunette is in love with a guy but he is betrothed to another woman... I think. It's kind of hard to follow. I don't understand a word... So that might be the problem. I'm hoping to be cleared to play tomorrow and that the X-rays come back clear! I hear the girls won the first game so I am cheering them on here in the hospital! Yay! The doctor just came in, everything is clear, they think it might just be an asthma thing so they are giving me an inhaler and medicine! So that is my hospital story, we are verifying that I am clear to play tomorrow, but I think I should be. So that's the story! Bye!

Breakfast in Bed!

Thank you, Carla, for providing this morning's special treat!  The girls were able to sleep in until 9:30 - some much needed rest.  Well, except for the early morning buzzer and loud announcement that somebody needed to move their black Yaris with Oklahoma license plates...Urgh!

Chillin' for a few hours then out to lunch at 12:30.  Gotta play our very best today!

See you soon!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's 11:30 and I was just informed that our little Oompa Loompas are now the background photo for SVVC's facebook page!  I have posted the link to the left or you can search for Saddleback Valley Volleyball Club.

Gonna go get that laundry!


Today was a great day!  The girls had a good, restful night.  I woke them up at 8:30 and we went down to breakfast, then hung out relaxing and doing chores.  Yep!  they all have chores...I take my role as team "mom" very seriously!

We had an early lunch then went over to the Convention Center (from here on out referred to as the "CC") to cheer on other SVVC teams, which was a total blast.  We even spent time cheering on some Speial Olympics teams - fun and sweet.

We spent alot of time at the training facility getting taped up, streched out, iced, heated, and generally visiting with all the trainers who totlly remembered us as the Oompa Loompa team!  Cassie and Alex even saw their favorite trainer from last year, Seneca, and after Alexis met her, the three of them decided she would be perfect for Trazi (Matchmaker, Matchmaker...).  So, they dragged him in to meet her.  Not sure how that is going, but we still have 4 more days!

Match 1 - we killed it. Oh yeah, won handily in 2 games.
Match 2 - we got killed, oh yeah, the #8 seed team showed us their moves.  We played really well, but couldn't quite keep up.
Match 3 - We entered this one as a must-win.  After play today, the top 2 teams from each pool are put in the upper bracket, the bottom 2 teams get put into the lower bracket.  If we were put into the lower bracket, there would be no way for us to move up.  Well, guess what?  Yep!  We killed it!

We (I keep saying "we", I guess I should say "they", but whatever)...WE are super excited to have played well today, some aches and pains, but nothing new and no serious injuries.  And best of all...Siena arrived tonight from Florida!  You probably heard the screaming all the way in California as the whole team was once again reunited.  Have I said it lately?  I love these girls!

We hiked back to the dorm in a Hoodoo - a real live sandstorm!  It looked like it was foggy, but it was just dusty.

The girls ate dinner and are all playing cards in Cassie and Alex's room.  I am doing laundry and waiting for lights out.  They are going to sleep in tomorrow until 9:30 and Carla Myers (Katie's mom) is bringing them bagels for breakfast - another treat!

Injury/aches/pains run down - let's go alphabetically:

Alex - ankle pain - taped up pre-tourney, iced post tourney, feeling ok.
Alexis - knee pain - stretched by the trainer, iced between matches, then put on a warmer and massaged prior to the last match - iced knee and shoulder post tourney - feeling ok
Calise - foot pain - the trainer examined her and doesn't think she re-injured it - just needs to rest it between matches and ice post tourney
Cassie - plantar fasciatis and ankle pain - taped up pre tourney, iced post tourney, not has blisters from the tape job...lots of Advil, but feeling ok
Hailey - knee pain - iced post tourney - feeling ok, but will get stretched and warmed by the trainers before tomorrow's tourney - feeling ok.
Katie - knee pain - iced post tourney - feeling ok
Madi - iced her shoulder post tourney - feeling good.
Sienna - well...considering she just got here, she is doing fine!

Check out the photos of Trazi and his "Ice Princesses."

So...tomorrow:  We are in a 3 team pool on Court L-31.  Normally, we would play, play, ref, but Trazi mentioned something about a "crossover" and I have no idea what that means, so, all I know is we play at 3 pm and I will follow the girls from there!

Urgh!  Just discovered I forgot to put soap in with the laundry, so I am now re-washing it...nice, sometimes I am a dingbat (that's why I fit in so well with these precious girlies!)

Ok, photos are uploading, phones are charging, laundry is washing and I am going to get ready for bed.  Have a great night and I will update tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's 9:40 and the girls just had a team meeting with Trazi.  We are back from Opening Ceremonies and have had dinner.  Most of the girls have washed the green out of their hair and are pooped!

Opening Ceremonies were a blast.  The girls and Trazi had, by far, the best costumes!  They looked so great and you could tell the girls felt cute - they rocked those Oompa Loompa costumes.  When they got on stage, the MC talked to them for the longest and had them dance and stuff.  He even sang the Oompa Loompa song to them!  They were on the diamond vision for a long time and I took a bunch of photos, which I am uploading now - be sure to check them out!

So far, our adventures have been minimal:
  • Alexis didn't eat lunch and by the time we got to the ballpark, she wasn't feeling too well, with the heat and everything.  We scrounged up some protein bars, but then she felt worse and ended up vomiting.  Luckily, the trainers were all there, they checked her out and decided she was OK.  She actually felt better after that and came back and ate a huge dinner - seems to be completely recovered - thank goodness!
  • Cassie got stuck in the bathroom in her and Alex's room....the door locked and wouldn't open, so Alex ran to get help and maintenance had to come up and take off the doorknob - she's fine - but was wishing she had her toiletries in there so she could have taken a shower.
  • 2 of Amanda's girls got stuck in the elevator tonight and the fire department had to come get them out.  I think being stuck in the bathroom was probably better...
All in all, if that is all we have to deal with this week, then we will be just fine!  These girls are so sweet and get along so well with each other - I am blessed to get to spend this time with them.  Thank you, parents, for allowing me the privilege.

Well, it's getting late - I am going to collect cell phones and tuck these girlies into bed.

More to come tomorow!


We Made It!

Well, our bus ride was comfortable and thankfully uneventful.  The girls are so cute, very excited!  We got here, lugged everything up, had a team meeting and now the girls are spraying their hair green for Opening Ceremonies.  We leave at 4:45 to walk over to the Diamondback Stadium.  I spent the last hour unpacking and organizing - I am luck to have a room to myself this year, so I am able to spread out and the girls seem to enjoy visiting me in here!

I have uploaded a quick batch of photos - look under "Festival Day 1" for a few of the bus ride, our goodies laid out, and the girls getting ready.  I will shoot a zillion photos this weekend and am going to upload them all, so just ignore the blurry ones!

Have a great night and I will post later tonight when we return.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Very Important New Link


I have added a link to the left titled FESTIVAL STANDINGS that will take you directly to the website that will do several things:
  1. Tell us where we are ranked.
  2. Tell us where we are playing.
  3. Tell us where we will be playing.
Currently, we are entering the competion ranked #42 out of 95 (SVVC 16 TRAZI (SC) (42).  I think this is a good place for us.  On our first day of play, the other teams we are playing are ranked #7, #55, and #90.  If we win first place, we will take over the #7 spot, if we get last place, we drop to #90.

On Wednesday,  the website shows L32 at 4 pm.  That means we play on court L32 at 4:00.  Since we are second in our pool, our day goes like this:  Ref, Play, Play, Ref, Off, Play.

If we take first place on Wednesday, then Thursday we will be ranked #7 and will play on Court L29 at 3.
If we take second place on Wednesday, then Thursday we will be ranked #42 and will play on Court L32 at 3.
If we take third place on Wednesday, then Thursday we will be ranked #55 and will play on Court U22 at 3.
If we take fourth place on Wednesday, then Thursday we will be ranked #90 and will play on Court U28 at 3.

Courts that start with an L are on the Lower level.
Courts that start with a U are on the Upper level.

Got it?  I hope this makes sense and you all can find us.  I will be following Trazi and the girls, so I will not be completely hopeless!

 I will try to keep updating nightly so you know how to plan the next day.  For now, it is bedtime for me - we are getting so close and I am so excited!!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Festival Fun Facts

Did you know?

  • There are over 500 teams signed up for Festival from all over the United States, even Hawaii and Alaska!

  • There are teams from Canada, Trinidad & Tobago, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Mexico...

  • There are 95 teams in the 16's division so far.

  • The 16's will be playing in the afternoon pool starting at 3pm everyday.

  • The official Festival theme this year is Ho'olaule'a which means "Festival" in Hawaiian.

  • The official Trazi's Girls theme is "Willy Wonka and his Oompa Loompas" - gonna be cute!

  • The Volleyball Special Olympics will be occurring the same time as Festival in the Phoenix Convention Center.  Let's try to check it out!

Getting Ready To Go!


I have created this blog to keep everyone up to date while we are in Phoenix. I will try to update it as often as possible.  I will also post links to photos I take and anything else I can think of.  I have rented a really cool lens for my camera, so the photos should turn out pretty good.

I will also post which court we will be on every day and if we have any special events/activities planned.  Please feel free to follow me and post comments!